The origins of Library Bazzani Stampe Antiche can be traced back to a passion that has become a job: the passion for books and antique prints.
We started to feel the desire to make that passion a profession when Studio Bibliografico Bazzani opened in 1998. Research, study of printmaking techniques, capturing the various bibliographies, time, study and patience have helped us to create the solid specific knowledge in this field that has always characterized the Bazzani Antique Prints.
In 1995 we opened our first small shop very close to the Scaligeri’s Tombs in Verona. This was the first step in a process that has led us to be a permanent presence for the city of Verona, and to make us a reference point for collectors and bibliophiles that, during the ages after that day, we have been able to create, heal and grow with us.

In 1999 we felt the desire to grow up and have more space. So we moved to the nearby Via Ponte Nuovo into a bigger shop. In this new context, two important steps were made. The first one: we started the publication of paper catalogs of our collections to be sent to the most loyal customers. The second one: in 2002 we opened our internet website. We built a website easy to be reached and simply to navigate in order to reach a wider audience.
Our passion needs to be cultivated, nourished, but also shared with others. The desire to offer something more to our loyal customers, collectors, bibliophiles and above all, to give the opportunity for all people to know and appreciate the world of printing and ancient books took us, in 2005, to look for a new store. A new store with more space in order to be able to organize exposure exhibitions and sell important collections. We were able to make our dreams come true in our store located in Via Stella, a prestigious location in an old seventeenth century building. There we were able to create several very important exhibitions, that gave us the opportunity to spread passion and culture.
Some of our exhibitions were about:
- Michele Marieschi – Le incisioni di Venezia
- Giovan Battista Piranesi – Opere varie
- Bacco & Baccanti – Vino & Gastronomia
- Goya – Los Capricios
- Le Arti che vanno per via…..
- Amore e Seduzione
- Francesco Bartolozzi – le incisioni
- Il Verbo si fece carne
- Segno diVino
- De Armis et Armaturis
- Maria lactans
- La Divina Commedia – da Gutenberg al Novecento

Every single exhibition was accompanied by a launch event and during this event we published a new catalogue and we offered the choice to visit our exhibition with a guide.
However, every passion needs his space and its environment. So, in 2013, we looked for a store that was not just a store, but a study, an environment in which those who enter can immerse themselves into the world of antique print and ancient books. And we found it.
A small corner in the heart of Verona, just a few steps away from Piazza Bra, located in Via Alberto Mario 10. Surrounded by the warm wood, you can taste the true flavor of the old press and ancient books. This store is above all a place a culture where everyone, collector and not, can capture the fascination of a product that is not just a simple object, but a masterpiece of art and keeper of history.
In the firsts of 2016, we also presented and opened the new website and e-commerce, in order to give to everyone the chance to see our collections and to purchase directly, 24h-24h every single day. Our new website has new graphics, it is easy to read and it offers the ability to see pictures in an high-resolution.
Bazzani Stampe Antiche is glad to welcome you, in our store located in Via Alberto Mario 10. We will be glad to show you our new store and our new website.
Marco Bazzani